The Show of life

A single word from your lips
Makes me smile
A single caress from your finger tips
Makes all worth wile
Love is like Magic
In the end you still can’t be sure
Is it real?
Is it just a trick?
But in the end does that really matter?
Is it not the show that counts?
The entertainment it brings?
What ever makes us love
It is like a white dove
Beautiful to see
But winged and free,
Free to go when it pleases, or sees fit
But in the end does that really matter?
Is it not the sight of beauty that counts?
The entertainment it brings?
Love the main feature in the cinema of life
Surrendered to its audience
They decide
Is it real or just a show
Do they go up in what is presented?
Or do they leave before the features end
Love is what we make of it
What we wish to see
And it can be as real as we want it to be
Rens Molenaar (28 August 2005)
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